23. 01. u 19.30č.
Posle novogodišnje pauze, Klub "REČ i GLAS" počinje sa radom u 2014. godini prezentacijom Škole kreativnog pisanja, pripovedanja i komunikacije.
- Kako i koliko slikati lik u fantastičnoj književnosti?
- Koja su pravila uspešnog pripovedanja?
- Kako da budem pametan, a da ne "udavim" čitaoca?
- Kako da stilom ne ugušim radnju?
- Kako da moje izlaganje bude lako razumljivo?
- Šta da radim kad ne znam šta dalje?
- Da li prvo definisati rasplet ili zaplet?
- Postoji li šablon za usmenu prezentaciju za koji uvek mogu "da se uhvatim?
- A za pismenu, ili za PP?
- Kako da zam dokle ide erotika, a gde počinje pornografija?
- Zašto najlepša osećanja kad se opišu zvuče kao šećerna vodica?
- Čini mi se da me uvek pogrešno razumeju, kao da nikad ne prenesem ono što želim...
Tamara Lujak, autor fantastike i publicista i Milica
Krković, pripovedač i esejista, pokazaće kako i čemu podučavaju na svojim radionicama, te će za sve zainteresovane prirediti jednu besplatnu radionicu kreativnog pisanja i pripovedanja, dok je Nebojša Ignjatović, PR instruktor i psihoterapeut tu za sve one koji žele da dograde svoje komunikacione veštine.
Nebojša Ignjatović |
Tamara Lujak
Milica Krković |
A. Ninković, na temu zadatu na radionici:
Tomorrow I had wept
Tonight I dreamed I was someone else. Someone that used to be so familiar. I know, that my life and my future did not turn out the way I thought they would. But do they ever? I've felt grief, festering inside my chest, demanding change, and that's when I knew the time has come, to say goodbye. That grief was so old, that I can hardly remember how it felt to be without it. The weight of this false appearance, the image to live up to, the guilt for not wanting to be what I was pretending to be. For not wanting the life, that everyone thought is meant for me. I don't know if I've felt sorrier for myself, who had to live in such way, or the others, all those who didn't realize my deceit. It hurts to be one self, as it is impossible to gracefully let go of everything, in which we are sheltered, even if it's false. I know now, it's a must, to bury the knowledge of my former existence and step aside, like a surgeon, cutting off a gangrene in order for rest to remain alive. I refuse to weep. I had wept tomorrow. Each and every hopeless tomorrow, that was predicted for me, by others. I refuse to weep, for I have tasted my own truth, and I I'll fight for my new-found freedom, against all, until the very last breath has left me. Future has no interest in, if it does - or doesn't, fit someone’s idea of it, and so neither shall i give a flying fuck again. There is no goddamn future! We take the chances as they come, not with certainty, but faith, that at the end of the day, we will be exactly where we are supposed to, and that perhaps someday, some day we might find whatever it is that we are looking for. My truth is
called "now", and now is not really a good time for me to cry.The curtains will be up any moment and i have to get on stage.
After all,eternity is but a moment.One already passed,the one yet to come and the one that might never be.
Inspired by storytelling session with Milica Damjanović @ Leila , earlier this evening.
Milica se opet raspričala
Tamara unosi malo reda u fantazije
Peđa i Bojana
Slučajnost ne postoji :)
Tim smišlja priču
Tim je smislio priču
Nebojša je vodio vežbu